Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What kind of person am I?

Recently, I received an email that was explaining a mother and daughter talking. As they were there in the kitchen, the daughter was telling her mother of the low and unfortunate things that were questioning her confidence and self-worth. As here mother was listening to her,
she scurried around the kitchen pulling 3 pans out and setting them on 3 different burners. In each pan she filled it half way with water. In one pan she put coffee grounds, in another pot she put eggs and the last pan she put in carrots . The food boiled and cooked completely, the mother still listening to her daughter contently, then asks her mother, "Momma, what should I do, to get through this hardship in my life?" The mother takes each pan off the stove and separates the water from the carrots and starts cutting them up and says, "darlin', see these carrots? they started out being strong and firm and through the cooking, then became softened. The mother takes the eggs, starts to dump out the water and then peels the eggs and says,"these eggs which started out with a protective coat to protect what's on the inside, is no longer needed because now what was on the inside is now hard. The last pot that had the coffee was now a wonderful, aromatic scent that filled the room and a possible cup, and the mother says, "darlin' things that are hard in life will always make you greater, what seems hard now will soon teach you to soften in your heart, and the things that were once a soft will maybe teach you to tuffin' up emotionally. What surroundings that you have make a difference in how you handle them, but don't forget to appreciate the little things around.
I could really relate to this email, it made me think back to when I moved out to So. Carolina, how difficult to make a way for myself. I didn't have a family to run to though, but there were a handful of things that really really questioned my self-worth and my faith. A phone call to my mom was always very soothing for me. Cause I know that my mom had all the answers that I needed to hear at the time. I know that there is going to be a day that my daughter comes to me and says, "Momma, what do I do?"

Computers, Thanksgiving and ohhh baby, oh my.

So who would've known that if you have a wireless connection for internet access it brings alot of unsurety. Ryan and I thought it would be a great idea to hooky-bob off of our neighbors internet by getting wirless USB card, save some money and yay everybody wins right?. Yah right, ever since we got "hooked" up, we have been having such a time. After a HUGE virus and 250+ hits on our firewall, still, really not all that sure of our securety we are back and running again but still very selective in what we do online.
On the other hand, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that I didn't get to talk to. Thankgiving Dinner was a nice and smooth experience for me this year. I felt like I was throwing a party for the president of the U.S. However, I didn't get to decorate my house as much as I would've loved to. With my inlaws and Ryan helping and Sasha here helping by making small and little messes everywhere it wouldn't be the same. This is what I'll remember my first Thankgiving as a new momma will be.