Monday, January 5, 2009

A birthday allergy

So, everyone is going to have to get used to the fact that I infact am not one that gets things done on time.
I am going to tell about Sasha's birthday party. So let me back up that all year round since Sasha has started to eat solids/ babyfood, we have not had any incidences regarding allergies until her first birthday party when I made her a pink cake with strawberry frosting. It was so scrumptious!! She barely even dove into the cake. The little lady was either star struck that that day was all about her or she just had too many eyes looking at her while she ate. Ya'll know what I'm taking about. How many people like to be watched especially while eating?. All the sudden Sasha started to get all splotchy around her mouth where the frosting had smeared. A rash had started. Oh great. What a more perfect time to find this out. Not a problem though, Ryan, the great father he is, said get the children's Benadryl and 15 min later Sasha was rash free. YAY!! On with the pictures!!! So, the party was alot of fun and I can't wait till next year when we can do it again. Except we'll try a CHOCOLATE cake. Yummo.

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